Friday, 7 November 2014


HTML Reference Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes 1

Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes code theory:

The culture code: Looks at the audiences wider cultural knowledge, morality and ideology.

The action code: The action code consists of the narrative that the 

The semantic code: Points to any element in a text that suggests a particular, often additional, meaning by way of connotation which the story suggests.

The enigma code: The way the tension is built up and the audience is left guessing what happens next.

The code of oppositions: How oppositions are used.

Preliminary task:

we used the codes throughout our preliminary task,

We used the culture code by conducting the meeting in a neat room with no graffiti and the people are well dressed showing they aren't lower class.

The semic code was used by making the room darkened, we achieved this looks by simply shutting the blinds.

The code of oppositions was used by the male-female divide. Olli was the interviewer and Emma was the interviewee.

We played on the enigma code right at the beginning by using titling. The titling left the location as "unknown" leaving the audience to guess where the interviewer is, building tension and also showing that the meeting is in secret.

The action code was used by Emma's brief pace. She walked in a relatively brisk manner, this signifies that she is in a rush and doesn't want to be stopped highlighting the fact that wherever she is going is of importance. This also shows that she is a person of power. 

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