How Utopia achieved its comic book look:
Utopia uses colour effectively to create its comic book look. They did this by going against the usual cinematography colours; green blue and red. The three strip technicolour used is comprised of the opposite colours: yellows, cyan and magentas. They also carefully colour corrected each so in post production. Most of the colours also weren't actually in the shot; they were copied in after using computer generated images. For instance in most shots the sky wasn't blue; it was the typical British grey sky; the colour was just edited in post production. However they didn't just stop with the sky; the editors even used computer generated images to make grass greener, eyes brighter and change the colour of a passing van.
In series two the sets are prepared for grading to achieve the effect to a greater extent by being able to make the colours even bolder.
I thought we could look at how they achieved their colour effect and see if we could copy this type of technique into the production of our film. However this type of editing requires professional programmes and skills that we simply don't have and it would be extremely difficult to replicate this to the same effect in our thriller opening.